I didn't think Rivet City was all that interesting at first either, but then that's just a small location in a much larger world teeming with unexplored destinations and odd-ball characters. Fallout 3 is a game about allowing yourself to become immersed in a brilliantly crafted world. No punishing difficulty to test your gaming skills. No desperate moments where you just barely make it. (Exploring)Ģ.) Building your own personal character with its own personal journey.ģ.) Talking to people and learning all the nuance of how the world still manages to scrap by after the apocalypse. Everyone seems to love it so I want to find why, but at the same time if I'm gonna hate it I dont want to waste any more time.ġ.) Seeing weird, weird things. I'm not sure whether I just simply dont like the game, or somehow it just ramps up and stuff actually starts happening and it actually gets interesting. I was thinking that if I just didnt have to worry about stupid things like health and economy and other annoying gameplay parts I could enjoy the story but said:

Thanks everyone though, I guess I'll just stop playing cause it's probably not for Well I'm playing on the 360 so idk what I could do. After I did the first quest of going to the grocery story the game seemed to fall off a cliff. The thing is, the game was actually awesome right up until I left Megaton. I tried playing Fallout before and didnt like it but I thought I'd go back after a few years and a different mind set. I love Dark Souls and ever since playing that for about 70 hours or so I just want the same type of fantasy (swords, magic, ) like world with different RPG elements. I just find the setting more enjoyable, I would much rather do fantasy style combat than use VATS, and there are plenty of other smaller things that are going to make the game more enjoyable. So yeah, probably just isnt for me, but I just want so desperately to understand how people enjoy this would say you may be correct, but I know after watching some of the Skryim marathon that I will like that game more. I found the entire trek to Rivet City extremely dull, uneventful, and annoying. I went online and apparently none of those places I was exploring that the game told me to go to were correct. I went to deliver a message to this one girls family, found the were dead, and spent about a half hour or more looking at the three locations for the people that killed them. Even some of the quests actively make you waste your time. The way the entire game looks exactly the same and there seems to be almost nothing to do. The way I am just doing the same thing over and over combat wise: Go to vats, Aim for head, Enemy Down. It is an incredibly dreary, depressing game though.

Depends what it is you find boring, or what you want to happen.